To the lector is entrusted the responsibility for the public reading of the Bible-a vessel of God’s Word. Consequently, the work of the lector should always be pursued with a sense of reverence, responsibility, and diligence. The function of proclaiming the readings is by tradition not presidential but ministerial. The Liturgy of the Word is to be celebrated in such a way as to favor meditation and in the readings, the table of God’s Word is spread before the faithful, and the treasures of the Bible are opened to them.
Must be above the age of 18
Practicing Catholic and has all sacraments (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). If married, must be married in the Catholic Church.
Católico practicando y tiene todos los sacramentos (Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación). Si está casado, debe estar casado por la Iglesia Católica.
Complete un formulario de voluntariado
Complete la capacitación sobre ambiente seguro a través de la Diócesis de Fresno: SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING
Contact us
Do you feel called to serve as a Lector, proclaiming the word of God?
Please contact Pia Baula for more information!
661-833-2218 Ext. 5069
“Everything in the divine Scriptures is clear and straightforward; they inform us about all that is necessary.”
-Saint John Chrysostom, Father and Doctor of the Church